Wednesday 13 September 2017

Finding The Perfect Agent For Your Book

Although indie publishing is all the rage today, publishing your book the old school way is still one of the best alternatives. There are many famous names features on platforms like Mediafaze, who can vouch for this fact. Finding an agent or publisher is essential for any writer. Finding the right one can make or break your literary career.

There are different commercial potentials for different books, and an agent can help uncover the right one. From finding the right audience to the best medium, the right book agent can do wonders for your literary venture. Most writers have a difficult time being critical about their own work, but your agent will be honest about your book's potential from day one.

Before choosing a literary agent, you need to determine the genre of your book. There are different experts for different genres like fiction, fantasy, and non-fiction, doing your research is mandatory. Presenting your full manuscript is something that your agent would expect, so keep them in the loop during the entire creation process.

Most agents have specific submission rules and guidelines, check if your work fits into these. There are custom solutions that publishers and agents can create for you, make sure you share your requirement with them. Check their sales track record to know the level of their expertise. Clearly, inquire if they can get your book on platforms like Mediafaze, they can do magic for you. Visit for the best works!

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